Own Range
3TL by Martin MacMillan
£8.50Shipped Product- A simple to perform prediction trick
- Unique method
- No outs, Angle proof
- Baffles both magicians & laymen
A Matter of Taste
£10.50Shipped Product- Bar magic at its best
- You'll always know the freely selected card 'By tasting it' apparently
- Simple to do
- Cards are not marked
- No re-set
Aldo Colombini 2nd Lecture DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- Material for everyone
- Powerful Magic
- A collection of Card, Rope & Rubber Band Magic
- Easy to do
Andy Nyman DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- Mentalism & Card Magic
- Deep Red Prediction
- Charade
- Killer Elite
- Plus other routines with plenty of tips along the way
Any Queen Called For
(1)£12.50Shipped Product- Mental magic using playing cards
- Supplied with various routines
- Spectator always predicts the upturned card
- Can be repeated over & over without set up
Beginners Card Magic Lecture - David Jones DVD
£12.50Shipped Product- A perfect introduction to Card Magic
- Moves & routines taught by an expert
- Easy to follow and progressive
- Assumes no previous knowledge
Beginners Close Up Magic Course by David Jones - Lesson 3
£21.00Shipped Product- Excellent, effective, yet easy card magic
- Supplied with a Stripper & Svengali plus full tuition
- The two most practical packs for both beginners & experts
Beginners Coin Magic Lecture - David Jones DVD
£13.00Shipped Product- Great Magic Using Coins
- Moves & routines fully and expertly taught
- Includes Dave's Reverse Matrix
Beginners Complete Course in Close up Magic - Dave Jones (8 DVD set)
£200.00Shipped Product- A full magic course including props & video teaching
- Perfect for those who want to learn Close-Up & Stand Up magic
- 8 Lessons from basics to the best
Beginners General Close Up Magic Course - lessons 1 and 2
By David Jones(1)£25.00Shipped Product- Ideal magic course for beginners
- Principles explained & necessary props supplied
- Clear explanations for effective tricks
- Link for streamed video explanation
Beginners Mental Magic & Mind Reading DVD - David Jones
£17.00Shipped Product- Introduction to Mentalism DVD
- Ideal first step into this popular type of magic
- Predictions, Psychological Tests, Thought Reading, Metal Bending & much more
Beyond Brainwave
(1)£17.00Shipped Product- Any card is named
- It's the only face card showing in a Blue Backed Deck
- It's removed and shown to have a Red Back
- The pack is shown to be entirely blank on its face
- Named card and pack are fully shown back & front
- Only one pack is used
- No equivoque, No thin cards, Printed on Bicycle stock
Bob Ostin Lecture DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- Watch Bob capture his audience as he performs and explains some great magic
- Vanishing Deck
- Submarine Card
- The Frog Fold
- The Backward Card Trick
- That's some of the tricks, but there's many more
Bob Read Collection
£45.00Shipped Product- Lectures & Performances
- Talks & interview
- PDFs of his booklets & notes
- In depth teaching of Bob's routines
Boris Wild Lecture DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- Marked Card System
- Tricks specifically aimed at using his system
- Includes explanation of his stack
Brain Box
£17.00Shipped Product- An unusual box, an unusual effect
- Predict two thought of cards in a most novel way
- They'll think you read their minds
Card Craze
(1)£12.50Shipped Product- Pieces of two cut up jumbo cards are mixed together
- They're assembled according to a spectator's instruction
- The Magician's prediction matches both perfectly
- No equivoque, Instant reset
- Fully examinable
- Only one prediction
Cards At Many Numbers
(1)£21.00Shipped Product- Self working
- Numbers given in spectator's chosen order (120 combinations)
- Full pack of cards, displayed in a random order
- No outs
- Prediction always correct
- 3 individual routines
Chad Long Lecture DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- Flash Coin Production
- Deck Support
- Oil & Water
- Matrix
- Karate Coin
- Karate Key
Chris Power Lecture DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- Superb card handling
- Chris executes sleights perfectly & invisibly
- A live lecture recording of Chris Power
Christian Chelman Lecture DVD
Cold Reading, Palmistry, Tarot Cards and Tarot Reading For Entertainment - Mark Lewis
£17.00Shipped Product- These lessons are the perfect way to learn Cold Reading Techniques & The Tarot
- Expert Magician & Phsychic knowledge covers all you'll need to know
- There's no substitute for experience, these DVDs are full of experience
Comedy Pro-File - David Hemingway
£20.00Shipped Product- This is not a book to make you laugh, it's to help you make your audience laugh
- Aimed directly at the use of Comedy in Magic routines
- Includes a link to video footage of David's lecture and intriguing interview
- An in-depth look at the whats & whys that make comedy work for magicians
Corvello's Coincidence
£12.50Shipped Product- A great piece of coincidence mentalism using two packs of cards
- Intriguing and baffling, a full performance piece
- Easy to do and easy to reset
Counts, Cuts & Moves - DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- This DVD teaches the essential sleights & moves with cards
- Various Counts, Moves, Shuffles & Cuts, all taught in detail
- Supplied with two packet card tricks
- A super DVD you'll watch & use for reference
Crystal Tube
£21.00Shipped Product- Visual Magic
- Regular Silk Hankies (supplied) can be used in other effects
- Easy to do
- Angle proof
Curry & Chips
Cutting Edge - Dynamo
£17.00Shipped Product- Magic tricks that helped make Dynamo famous
- Includes New Era, Kick Up Card, Haunted Deck, Flow and other routines
- Plus various moves & advice
Darwin Ortiz - New Practically Impossible 2010 Lecture
Darwin Ortiz Lecture DVD
David Regal Lecture - DVD
David Roth Lecture DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- An 80 minute lecture by the world class coin magician
- Tips on moves & full routines
- Considered by many to be the ultimate coin magic expert
- David called this his 'Coin Magic Without Tears' lecture
David Williamson Full Lecture DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- Early David Williamson lecture
- The magic earned him his modern day reputation
- More than 90 minutes
David Williamson Raccoon Lecture DVD
£13.00Shipped Product- David Williamson teaching & entertaining
- A laugh a minute DVD
- Includes the full Rocky Raccoon routine
Denis Behr - Lecture DVD
Derren Brown Lecture DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- Rare Derren Brown lecture
- A live recording of this great magician, presenting to an audience of magicians
- Derren performs his pet routines from the time, and selects a couple to explain
Dick Koornwinder Lecture DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- The Dutch master reveals his creative magic
- A rare lecture by Dick Koornwinder
Diverting Card Magic - Book by Andrew Galloway
£25.00Shipped Product- A how to book on Misdirection in card magic
- Vital for all close up magicians
- Includes routines with inbuilt misdirection
Diverting Coin Magic Book - Andrew Galloway
£25.00Only 1 left!Shipped Product- A treatise on Misdirection
- Detailed Coin Sleights
- Original Coin Magic Routines
Dominic Twose Lecture DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- Contains tricks & explanation from the popular Impromptu Secrets book
- A full interview about Fred Robinson (Dominic's mentor & teacher)
- A superb accompaniment to Dominic's book
Double Flush
(1)£10.50Only 2 left!Shipped Product- Only ten cards used
- Spectator freely chooses their cards
- Result is always two perfect Royal Flush sets
- Instant re-set, easy to do
Dream Rope
£5.50Shipped Product- An ideal opener
- Two ropes, totally separate, instantly join
- Can be examined or used in another rope routine
- Supplied with gimmick & online instruction
E.S.P - Extra Sensory Perception
£10.50Shipped Product- Looks like True Mind Reading
- ESP cards supplied are printed by USPCC on Bicycle stock
- Various routines
- Easy to do
Egg Bag - Malini & Fez Type
Faulty Follower
Flash Products (and how to use them) Lecture by Scott Penrose - Magic DVD
Four Candles
£10.50Shipped Product- A comical packet card trick
- Only basic sleights required
- Very Magical in effect with huge comedy finish
- Special cards supplied
Impromptu Secrets - Dominic Twose
£35.00Shipped Product- Impromptu magic with cards
- A huge hit on its release, now in its 3rd print
- Previously unpublished Vernon material
- Card magic you'll use
International Magic Competition DVDs 11th - 20th
£17.00Shipped Product- Live recordings of Magicians in Competition
- Some great names in magic, performing for the coveted prize
- Hours of entertainment and amazement
International Magic Competition DVDs 3rd - 10th years
£17.00Shipped Product- The full competitions from its early days
- See how this competition become one of the most coveted in the world
- Relax, watch & enjoy at your leisure
Jackie McClements Lecture DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- Nudist Deck (using regular cards)
- Coin Box Routine
- Shock Treatment (very effective Cards To Pocket)
Jerry Andrus Lecture DVD
Jim Cellini Lecture DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- A must for all street workers
- Both entertaining & informative
- Anecdotes & Magic
- Considered by many as 'The Best Street Magician'
Jon Armstrong Lecture DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- Card Magic by Jon Armstrong
- The Magic Castle resident performer, shows his quality
- Some excellent effects taught
Juan Tamariz 1st Lecture DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- Full performance with some explanation
- Intense detail on false counts
- How to 'Lap Playing Cards'
Juan Tamariz 2nd Lecture DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- Full performance with some explanation
- Use of comedy in your performance
- Same Trick Twice
- Follow The Leader
Leveret Playing Cards
£8.50Shipped Product- Our favourite Playing cards
- Exclusively available here
- Printed on crushed card
- Unique design
Luke Jermay - The Card Memory DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- Great card memory routine
- Looks incredible, yet requires minimal skill
- Name cards without even seeing them
Luke Jermay Lecture
M.R.M (The Mind Reading Miracle)
£25.00Shipped Product- A comical card routine with a kicker finish
- Easy to do
- A thought of card is revealed in a novel way
- You'll love performing this!
Magic Lesson - By Billy Day
£30.00Shipped Product- A professional Children's Prop
- Routine with loads of fun
- By one of Britain's most creative Children's entertainers, Billy Day
Marco Duca Magic Lecture
£17.00Shipped Product- Colour change and penetration of a signed card.
- Pack of cards to solid block transformation.
- Coin Transposition
- 3 Card Routine
- Salt & Pepper Transposition
- Coin In Bottle
- Card under mirror (with kicker finish).
Mastermind Deck
£10.50Only 2 left!Shipped Product- A simple version of Brainwave deck using long & short principle
- Two routines supplied
- Easy to do and quick to reset
Michael Weber Lecture DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- Link - A great Rubber Band routine
- Bottle Cap In Bottle (also ice cube in bottle)
- Yellow Page Book Test
- Spoon Handle Twist
- Signature Transfer
Mike O'Brien Lecture - DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- One of Britain's master magicians presents his versions of classics, including
- Open Travellers
- Multiple Card Location
- Cutting The Aces - plus many others
Mix & Match by Martin MacMillan
£30.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Close up prediction using brass caps & regular coins
- Three presentations, all equally baffling
- A complete sell out on its introduction at the 2018 Blackpool Magic Convention
- Beautifully made gimmick
My Drink Trick (Oliver Mackenzie)
My World
£17.00Shipped Product- 'Out Of This World' - with a difference
- Only two sets of cards are dealt, one for the Red, the other for Black Cards
- Spectator freely chooses where each card is placed
- Both piles are turned up, both piles are correct, one is entirely Red, the other entirely Black cards
- Faces and backs are fully shown,
- No sleight of hand, Easy to do, Angle proof
Openers by David Jones DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- How to open your show
- What tricks to use & Why
- Theory, Performance & Explanation
£17.00Shipped Product- A clever principle that has versatile uses
- Ideal mentalist trick
- Supplied with printed instruction & alphabet cards
- Easy to perform
Paleface Cards
£17.00Shipped Product- A chosen card is located, then the whole pack turns blank
- Written & video instruction
- Everything left for examination
Penny Change
£12.50Shipped Product- Visual coin transposition
- Instant reset
- Easy to do
- Magic in thew spectator's hands
Peter Kane Lecture DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- Creative card magic by Peter Kane
- Jazz Aces
- The Lazy Gambler
- Leopard Card
- Plus many other of his routines
Poker Player's Nightmare (Improved)
£12.50Shipped Product- Visual card magic
- Instant change of Poker Hand
- No flaps, instant reset
Ray Grismer Lecture DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- Original Magic from Vernon's pupil, Ray Grismer
- Fall
- Loopy
- Grismer Pinch
- Card Suspension
- Stop Trick
- Many others performed & explained along with anecdotes & stories
Ray Kosby Lecture DVD
Rene Lavand - Double set DVD
Richard Turner Lecture - 2 DVD set
£21.00Shipped Product- Astounding Gambling Magic
- A true expert
- Performance, lecture & interview
Rick Merrill Lecture DVD
Ron MacMillan Lecture DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- Preparation for a Manipulation act
- Billiard Ball & Coin Magic for stage performers
- Expert advice on loads & steals
- Includes Ron's stage performance following the lecture
Rotten Apples Card Trick
£10.50Shipped Product- A novel wild card routine
- Cards are printed by USPCC on Bicycle stock
- Written & video tuition
Salvano Lecture - DVD
Shoot Ogawa Lecture DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- Matrix Routines
- Colour Changes
- Edward Victor's Spellbound
- (many other effects & routines)
Silence In Court
£21.00Shipped Product- A named card is predicted in a most novel way
- The Court Cards have message for the spectator, it's the named card
- The pack however, contains only one printed card, it's also the named card
- Simple method makes this easy to perform trick a winner with a big finish
(1)£15.00Shipped Product- Easy to do, powerful mentalist's trick
- Ready to work right away
- Unique principle
Sure Bet
£10.50Shipped Product- A trick played as a game where the magician always wins
- A race to the finish with playing cards
- Simple to do
- Everything left for examination
The 31st International Magic Competition DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- Hours of performance magic
- Twelve performers from eight countries
- Competing for the Kevin Reay Trophy
The Dave Campbell Legacy - Book
£35.00Shipped Product- Commercial Card Magic by one of Scotland's most creative magicians
- A superb book for all card workers
- Foreword by Gordon Bruce
- Written by Peter Duffie
The Gary Kurtz 1st & 2nd Lecture DVDs
By Gary Kurtz£17.00Shipped Product- Two of the best DVDs you'll find on Card & Coin magic
- Available individually, or together at a special price
- Includes Gary's best known magic routines
- These lectures are packed with tips, moves and routines
The Magic of John Ramsay Volumes 1 and 2 Presented by Andrew Galloway DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- John Ramsay's magic taught by his only pupil, Andrew Galloway
- These DVDs contain all of his classics
- Cylinder & Coins
- Six Card Repeat
- Cards To Pocket
The Naked Zombie Ball - Raymond Crowe
£15.00Shipped Product- Zombie Ball (without gimmick or scarfe)
- Tips on Mime
- Performance & explanation
Three False Shuffles - Justin Higham DVD
£12.50Shipped Product- Three original False Shuffles
- Practical for all card magicians
- Justin Higham shows and explains these perfectly
Tom Mullica's London Lecture DVD
By Tom Mullica£17.00Shipped Product- Cigarette Manipulations
- Card At Any Number
- Torn & Restored Card
- Taradiddle
- Cards Across
Toreno - The Cardini Lecture
£17.00Shipped Product- Stage Manipulation
- Classic Magic
- Live recording
- Full Analysis of Cardini's act by Toreno & Finn Jon
Ultimate Reverse
£9.00Shipped Product- A self working version of the Triumph effect
- Special pack (supplied) does the work
- Visual card magic
Vallarino Lecture DVD
£17.00Shipped Product- Repeat 4 Ace Production & Transposition
- Reset
- Sandwich Transposition
- Mid-Air Sandwich
- Coin Matrix
- Bare Hand Matrix
- Colour Change Triumph
- The Collectors
Walt Lees DVD
Will Houstoun Lecture DVD
eXtRA-eYe Peek Envelope - Martin MacMillan
£15.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Unique peek method
- Packs of 20 envelopes
- Know what's written inside a sealed envelope