Magic Books
Our range of Magic Books
Impromptu Secrets - Dominic Twose
£35.00Shipped Product- Impromptu magic with cards
- A huge hit on its release, now in its 3rd print
- Previously unpublished Vernon material
- Card magic you'll use
Diverting Card Magic - Book by Andrew Galloway
£25.00Shipped Product- A how to book on Misdirection in card magic
- Vital for all close up magicians
- Includes routines with inbuilt misdirection
The Dave Campbell Legacy - Book
£35.00Shipped Product- Commercial Card Magic by one of Scotland's most creative magicians
- A superb book for all card workers
- Foreword by Gordon Bruce
- Written by Peter Duffie
Diverting Coin Magic Book - Andrew Galloway
£25.00Only 1 left!Shipped Product- A treatise on Misdirection
- Detailed Coin Sleights
- Original Coin Magic Routines
Cardfixes 1 - J. Racherbaumer
Card Magic Of LePaul
Folding Money Fooling - R. E. Neale
£40.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Origami Magic
- Amusing creations
- Banknote puzzles
The Glasgow File - George McBride
£45.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Hardback book
- Dedicated in memory of Roy Walton
- 154 pages, 40 effects
- Quality card magic
Very Hush-Hush by John Bannon
By Bannon, John£60.00Only 1 left!Shipped Product- Forty card tricks with a mental slant
- Little to no sleight of hand required
- Impossible location effects
- Prediction tricks
- Bannon's take on 'The Magic Square'
- An easy to read book that's full of great magic
RARA AVIS - Jack Avis book by Anthony Brahams
£25.00Shipped Product- A book made from the notes of acclaimed magician, Jack Avis
- Close Up Card Magic
- Close up Magic
- One of magic's great thinkers
Impuzzibilities - A series of books by Jim Steinmeyer
£17.50Shipped Product- A series of books concentrating on mathematical effects
- Clever methods creating powerful effects
- All easy to do
Routined Manipulation Finale - L. Ganson
Fetsching Magic Book
My Canes and Candles - Fantasio
Psychological Subtleties #2
The Magic Of Steven Hamilton
£25.00Shipped Product- More than 50 tried & tested routines
- One of Britain's best corporate workers
- Magic for everyone
Destination Zero - John Bannon
By Bannon, John£50.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Card Magic with regular cards
- Self working, yet extremely effective tricks
- Bannon at his best
- 25 routines
Dexterity Manual - Justin Higham
13 Steps To Mentalism - Corinda
£40.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- A Mentalism Masterpiece
- Includes an extra supplement written by Corinda
- Necessary reading for all interested in Mentalism
Practical Mental Effects - Annemann
Comedy Pro-File - David Hemingway
£20.00Shipped Product- This is not a book to make you laugh, it's to help you make your audience laugh
- Aimed directly at the use of Comedy in Magic routines
- Includes a link to video footage of David's lecture and intriguing interview
- An in-depth look at the whats & whys that make comedy work for magicians
Tarbell Course - Volumes 1 - 8 (Individual)
£33.00Shipped Product- The original Course in Magic
- Tricks, performance, methods & principles
- Eight books covering every kind of magic
Working With Genius - David Hemingway
£25.00Shipped Product- Full of professional routines
- Magic for the 'stand up magician'
- Complete transcript of David's lecture included
Stand Up Magic Routined - David Hemingway
£20.00Shipped Product- Professional Magic routines
- Commercial stand up magic
- Classic effects that'll go straight into your performance
A Card Merely Thought Of - Thomas Baxter
£45.00Only 1 left!Shipped Product- History & methods for this miracle in card magic
- Mind reading at its purest
- The card is not selected, not chosen, it's merely thought of
Routined Manipulation (parts 1+2) L. Ganson
Max Malini book - by Steve Cohen
£115.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- The definitive work on Max Malini
- Over 500 pages
- Previously unpublished photographs
- A touching biography
- Detailed descriptions of Malini's tricks & methods
- 200 instructional photographs
Card Finesse - J. Racherbaumer
£40.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Moves & Routines
- Includes Marlo's Controlled Faro Riffle Shuffle
Memorandum - Woody Aragon
£50.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Ideas on the Stacked Deck
- Combining Tamariz & Aronson's Stacks to great effect
- A system to have you performing Memorized deck magic in 30 minutes
Al Schneider - Magic Book
New Modern Coin Magic - J B Bobo
£44.00Only 1 left!Shipped Product- Bobo's book with extra chapters
- A complete coin magic book
My Best - Various Artistes
£15.00Only 2 left!Shipped Product- 193 Tricks
- Each contributor's favourite trick
- Something for everyone
Duffie's Card Compulsions
Card File Vol. 2 - Jerry Mentzer
£34.00Only 2 left!Shipped Product- A collection of Jerry Mentzer's card material
- Rare card magic
Asymptotes - Ben Blau
£75.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Mental magic using playing cards
- Previously closely guarded secrets revealed within these pages
- 18 amazing mental routines
Solomon's Secrets - David Solomon
£55.00Shipped Product- The card magic of David Solomon
- Includes his Simple Oil & Water, Matcho, Folded Discovery and many others
- Quality card magic
Eugene Burger From Beyond - Lawrence Hass and Eugene Burger
£74.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- The book Eugene Burger left to be printed
- Parlour, Stage & Spirit Theatre routines
Kiss Book and DVD - John Derris
£25.00Shipped Product- 'Keep It Simple' - This book shows us how & why
- Commercial magic anyone can do
- Corporate, Close Up or Stand up, it's all covered here
Revelation - Dai Vernon
£70.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Expert At The Card Table - Annotated by Vernon
- Includes photographs of Vernon's hands to illustrate the writings
Son of Simon Says - Simon Lovell
£40.00Only 3 left!Shipped Product- More thoughts of Simon Lovell
- Card stuff
- Non Card stuff
- Stuff for the experts
Self Working Series Of Magic Books - Karl Fulves
Royal Road To Card Magic - (Soft Back)
Encyclopedia Of Card Tricks - Soft Back
£15.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- A classic book packed with methods, principles and tricks for card magic
- Covers the use of special decks, gimmicked cards and regular cards
- A must for all interested in card magic
Subtle Card Creations Vol. 3 - Nick Trost
Apocalypse Books by Harry Lorayne
£75.00Shipped Product- Volumes 6-10 of this sought after magazine
- Collated into four bound books, we have only a few of book 2 available
- Some of the best contributors in magic
- Everything close-up
Aronson Approach - Simon Aronson
£40.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Powerful Card Magic for everyone
- In depth analysis of Memorized Deck principles
- 173 pages
Drawing Room Deceptions - Guy Hollingworth
£37.50Currently out of stockShipped Product- Classical card magic
- Guy Hollingworth's famous T&R card
- Card magic in a class of its own
O.O.P.S. Magic and Mentalism book - Paul Hallas
£25.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- 50 Magic & Mentalism effects
- Many you'll do right away
- A complete variety of objects & themes
Handsome Jack - John Lovick
£55.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Twenty Stand Up/Close Up routines
- Scripts, History & Commentary
- Development & Performance
The Long Goodbye - Geoff Latta
£67.75Only 1 left!Shipped Product- Geoff Latta's Coin Magic book
- Collection of Coin Sleights
- Han Ping Chien applications
- Wild Coin Effects, Coin Boxes and much, much more
Days Of Wine And Magic (John Derris)
Maximum Entertainment 2.0 - Ken Weber
£39.00Only 1 left!Shipped Product- For the performance of Mentalism
- A theory book for the Mentalist
- No tricks, plenty of solid knowledge
The Man Who Would Be King - Andrew Normansell
Revolutionary Card Technique - Ed Marlo
£65.00Only 1 left!Shipped Product- Expert card sleights
- The entire Marlo card technique series, collated in one book
- Considered the master techniques of their time
Sankey Panky
£47.50Currently out of stockShipped Product- Jay Sankey's first magic book
- Close up magic
- Card magic
A Book in English by Woody Aragon
Strong Magic by Darwin Ortiz
£45.00Only 1 left!Shipped Product- Theory for close up magicians
- No tricks in this book, but real secrets are
- Improve your performance
- Understand your audience
Hierophant (the Legendary) - Jon Racherbamer
£75.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Over 200 items for Close-Up
- The eight original magazines rewritten & annotated
Prism by Max Maven
Modern Coin Magic - J. B. Bobo
L.I.N.T. Book - John Luka
£29.50Only 1 left!Shipped Product- Pocket Tricks
- Parlour Tricks
- Luka's contributions to New Tops magazine
Miracle Material - Kaminskas
Offbeat - Nick Diffatte
£50.00Shipped Product- Audience tested routines
- Includes essays
- Stage tricks with Rope, Balloon Animals & Handcuffs
- Close-Up magic with Contact Lenses, Sticks of Gum & Playing Cards
You're Only Lying To Yourself - Luke Jermay (Book & Download)
By Luke Jermay£25.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Hardcover book accompanying 4 hour download
- Card Magic by one of the world's leading magic creators
- 15 tricks spanning traditional card tricks to straight mentalism pieces
- Novel plots & techniques specifically created to amaze your audience
Simply Simon Book - Simon Aronson
£65.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Memorized Deck Magic
- Sleight of Hand Miracles
- Card stacking demonstrations
Card College Light - R Giobbi
£30.00Only 1 left!Shipped Product- Card tricks without skill
- For beginners & experts alike
- 21 Tricks - 7 Full routines
Card College - Volumes 1 - 5 - Roberto Giobbi
Card College Lighter
Card Control - Buckley
£12.50Currently out of stockShipped Product- A book for Card Experts
- Detailed Card Sleights
- Powerful Routines
Books Of Wonder - Tommy Wonder (Volumes 1 & 2)
£79.00Only 1 left!Shipped Product- The writings of the great Tommy Wonder
- Magic theory
- Magic Tricks
- Creative Magic
Art Of Astonishment - Paul Harris (Volumes 1 - 3)
Discoverie of Witchcraft (Paperback) -Reginald Scot
£25.00Only 1 left!Shipped Product- A modern reprint of the original 1584 Reginald Scot book
- Classic literature
- Original methods for traditions magic
The Complete Ganson Teach-In Series by Lewis Ganson
£85.00Only 2 left!Shipped Product- The famous Teach-In series in one big book
- Lewis Ganson's writings
- Variety of subjects & contributors
Concertos For Pasteboards
£35.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Various contributors
- Innovative Magic
- Europe's top magicians
Cardially Yours - Ed Marlo
£60.00Only 1 left!Shipped Product- A collection of Marlo's writings
- Reputation making magic
- Sleights, moves & tricks
Magic Of Edward Victor's Hands Book
£35.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Influential magic from this creative British Magician
- So much of modern magic is originated by Edward Victor
- Good magic stands the test of time
Less Is More - Benjamin Earl
£45.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- A book by Ben Earl always causes huge interest
- Less Is More caused Much More than simply interest
- A book for card workers who want to become card experts
Subtle Card Creations Vol.6 - Nick Trost
£55.00Only 1 left!Shipped Product- Nick Trost's magic in a series of books
- Card magic for everyone
The Aretalogy of Vanni Bossi
£55.00Only 1 left!Shipped Product- Original Magic from the Italian master
- Award winner, Vanni Bossi's magic routines & ideas
- Close up Magic for the card & coin worker
Faro Exposed - Magic Book
£50.00Only 3 left!Shipped Product- The origin, rules & history of the Faro gambling game
- Pre-dates the Erdnase book by 20 years
- Explains the gambling methods used at that time
- Riffle stacking, Gaffed dealing boxes and other subterfuges
Magical Mentalism Tour by Mel Mellers
£27.50Only 3 left!Shipped Product- Any Time Impromptu Book Test
- My Drink Prediction
- Magic Square
- Many other comedy mentalist effects
Rubinstein Coin Magic - Book
£70.00Only 1 left!Shipped Product- Michael Rubinstein's signature presentations
- Over 50 original techniques
- Bonus chapter on Puns & One Liners
Parlour Tricks Book - by Morgan and West
£60.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- A look into the mechanics and creation of a Parlour Show
- The secrets of their success within the pages of this book
- Includes a full performance for you to watch
The Darkest Corners Book - Ben Hart
£60.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- A book by upcoming star, Ben Hart
- Thoughts on show development, film & projection
- Plus some great professional routines
Omnibus - Ambitious Card Book by Daryl
£57.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Daryl's Ambitious Card routine in detail
- Includes bonus details on moves
- Award winning magic
Interpreting Magic by David Regal
£70.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- 60 Routines by David Regal
- Something for every performer
Best Of All Worlds
£55.00Shipped Product- The 'Out Of This World' trick
- This book contains the top magicians' thoughts & methods
- Considered by many to be the best creation of the 20th Century
- So many versions of the classic trick by Paul Curry
The Magic Rainbow - Juan Tamariz
£130.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- A big book packed with magic theory
- Tamariz's writings are considered among the best
Mathematics Magic & Mystery - Book
£12.50Only 1 left!Shipped Product- The title sounds daunting, but this is a great book of easy to do tricks
- You don't need to be a mathematician, the tricks are self working
- A super little book for anyone
Subtle Card Creations Vol. 5 - Nick Trost
£45.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Practical Card Magic
- Gambling routines
- Predictions
- Pinochle Puzzles
Card College Lightest - Roberto Giobbi
£30.00Only 1 left!Shipped Product- Card Magic without sleights
- Simple false shuffles
- Deck switch techniques
- 18 Astounding tricks
Complete Encyclopedia Of Close Up Magic - Walter B Gibson
£27.50Currently out of stockShipped Product- Mental Magic
- Matchbox Magic
- Table Magic
- Special Effects
Sleight Of Hand - Sachs
£18.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Magic that's stood the test of time
- Props that are easy to make
- Classic magic
- Important principles
The Award Winning Rope Magic of Francis Tabary
Tarbell Course in Magic - The original Lessons combined
£75.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- The original Tarbell Course in one book
- Magic & secrets for everyone within these pages
- The most comprehensive collection of magic & methods
Sixteen Thumb Tie Gems
Hard Boiled Mysteries - Bruce Cervon
John Ramsay's Tasselled Rope booklet by Andrew Galloway
Expert At The Card Table - Erdnase
Expert Card Technique - Hugard & Braue
Psychophysiological Thought Reading - Banachek
£40.00Only 1 left!Shipped Product- 2 books in one
- Muscle reading
- Psychological Thought Reading
Magic Menu, Years 1-5 - Jim Sisti
Mastering the Art of Magic - Eugene Burger
£60.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- A collection of Burger's early writings
- Contains both tricks & essays
- 7 small booklets published in the early 80s, in this one collection
- Updated essays by Eugene
Mnemonica - Juan Tamariz Book
Newspaper Magic - Gene Anderson
£30.00Only 1 left!Shipped Product- Dozens of tricks
- Practical for all performers
- A laugh a minute with a simple newspaper
Dai Vernon, A Biography - David Ben
£37.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- Dai Vernon's Biography
- Very interesting for all magicians
- Read all about the man they called 'The Professor'
Art Decko - Simon Aronson
£47.50Currently out of stockShipped Product- Effects for Memorized Decks
- Essays on performance
- Highly deceptive routines
Mayhew (What Women Want)
Heroes Of Magic Book - John Fisher
£65.00Currently out of stockShipped Product- In depth study of selected magicians
- From David Devant to the modern day performers
- The great magicians we've read about
- The wonderful magicians we've seen
The Elusive Illusive - Ben Daggers
£25.00Only 2 left!Shipped Product- Beautiful Hardback Book
- Foreword by Pit Hartling
- Excellent card & coin routines
- 12 Unique pieces