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Wise Buying by Johnny Geddes | Children's Magic

  • A shopping spree with a recurring novelty
  • Audience involvement
  • A fun routine

Superb visual magic effect for Children. Easy to do and great entertainment value. You take a volunteer child on an imaginary shopping trip for grocery's. With a large shopping list and jumbo cards, you start to spell the items from the list. To start with all works out and the appropriate card has a picture and the word of the shopped item printed on its face is placed into a basket. Now it's the child's turn to try, however they spell correctly, but turn up a card with Beer on the face, pointing out they're too young to drink you put the card back and continue to spell to the correct card. This is repeated wit each time the child spelling, they get to the Beer card. Eventually you give in and put it into the basket (pointing out that they still mustn't drink it). Even having eliminated the Beer, it still comes up when the child does the spelling. 

This is a great comical routine with a novelty finish that you can put straight into your Kids performance.
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